Additional Resources

On this page you can find additional resources that support the use of the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework. These resources are in addition to the main resources listed here and featured in the drop-down menu under Resources.

Overcoming Reporting Challenges

Go to resource | People working inside companies often face skepticism from their colleagues about the merits of improved disclosure about the company’s human rights policies, procedures and practices. This resource highlights some of the challenges that can be raised, and possible responses. The information is gathered from dozens of companies across multiple sectors. Publication date: July 2015

Using the Reporting Framework for Internal Management

Go to resource | This resource lists examples of how companies are using the UNGP Reporting Framework to support or improve their internal management of human rights risks, quite apart from their external reporting. Understood and used in this way, companies are finding that the Reporting Framework isn’t a burden or cost aimed just at satisfying external readers; but instead, the exercise of answering the questions of the Reporting Framework brings real value to the company’s internal management systems. Publication date: July 2015

Examples of Good Reporting

Go to resource | What does good corporate reporting on human rights look like? Based on consultations with multiple investors, analysts and company representatives, we offer the following indicators that look beyond the quantity of information reported and consider the quality of the information included. Examples are from AngloAmerican, Coca-Cola Company, Ericsson, Gap Inc. and H&M. Publication date: July 2015